The Brazilian Center for Nazism and Holocaust Studies is proud to present its first-ever online event which happened from 5th to 9th of April of 2021.
The international event “What is left of the Swastika: nazism, negationism and memory” is a student initiative of the coordinators of the NEPAT, and included round tables with researchers, a workshop, and student speakers.
The goal of the event was to foster reflections about the dangers of the permanence of nazi ideology and discourse in the present days, as well as to better understand the Third Reich, this “past that won’t pass”.
The whole program, except the workshop, was free of cost and we issued certificates
All program available in a playlist on our YouTube channel. Check it out below!
Organizing commitee:
Anna Viana (NEPAT-Master student in History/UFMG)
Bárbara Deoti (NEPAT-Graduate in History/UFMG)
Maria Visconti (NEPAT-P.h.D candidate in History/UFMG)