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Anna Viana

She has a Master's degree in History and Political Cultures (2022) and a degree in History (2019) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

She was a member of the organizing committee of the VIII History Research Meeting at UFMG (EPHIS / UFMG) and was part of the History Center of the CAPES Pedagogical Residence Project.

She has researched Nazism since 2019 and, in her Master's degree, works with the uses that History acquires in The Myth of the 20th Century by Alfred Rosenberg. Based on the mobilization of the past in the book's narrative, she intends to explore the author's concept of history and its argumentative nuances when mobilizing the past to refer to different historical times.


More broadly, she studies the uses of the past, the relations between time and history, the theory of history, and intellectual history.


Bárbara Deoti

She is a Master's student at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2022) and has a degree in History from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2020).

She was a member of the History branch of the Residência Pedagógica project with a CAPES scholarship from 2018 to 2019. She has been researching literature since her undergraduate studies when she developed a research project in which she studied the relationship between literature and politics in 19th-century England.

Now in her Master's, she researches the representation of Nazism and the Nazis in science fiction alternate history novels in which Germany wins the Second World War, more specifically, the works of Philip K. Dick and Eric Norden.


She is interested in twentieth-century literature, literary representations of Nazism, and the relationship between History and literature.


Maria Visconti

She is a historian and holds a Ph.D. in History (2023) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil and a member of The Perpetrator Studies Network. She has a Master’s degree in History at the same institution (2017), where she also has a graduate degree in History (2014), with a one-semester academic extension at Friedrich-Alexander University, in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (2013), with focus on Nazi Germany.


She has been researching the Nazi regime since 2012 and studied the Nazi resistance group White Rose for her Master’s degree.


Her Ph.D. thesis was focused on the narratives of the Nazis who were judged in the Nuremberg Trials, thinking, above all, about the ways of behaving and presenting themselves in court. She created a set of models of ways to avoid responsibility in post-war trials to better understand the narratives of these men in other trials.


She intends to continue researching the denazification process and the narratives of the Nazis in other post-war trials.

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